International Journal

  1. C. H. Sohn, S. H. Chung, J. S. Kim, F. A. Williams, "Acoustic Response of Droplet Flames to Pressure Oscillations", AIAA Journal, Vol. 34(9), 1847-1854, 1996.

  2. C. H. Sohn, S. H. Chung, S. R. Lee, J. S. Kim, "Structure and Acoustic-Pressure Response of Hydrogen-Oxygen Diffusion Flames at High Pressure", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 115, 299-312, 1998.

  3. C. H. Sohn, S. H. Chung, and J. S. Kim, "Instability-Induced Extinction of Diffusion Flames Established in the Stagnant Mixing Layer", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 117, 404-412, 1999.

  4. C. H. Sohn, Y. G. Aum, S. H. Chung, S. W. Hong, H. D. Kim, "A Burning Velocity Correlation for Premixed Hydrogen/Air/Steam Flames", KSME International Journal, Vol. 13(3), 294-303, 1999.

  5. H. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, S. H. Chung, H. D. Kim, "Laser Rayleigh Measurement of Mixing Processes and Control of Hydrogen Combustion Using Quenching Meshes", Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 187, 291-302,1999.

  6. C. H. Sohn, S. H. Chung, "Effect of Pressure on the Extinction, Acoustic-Pressure Response, and NO Formation in Diluted Hydrogen-Air Diffusion Flames", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 121, 288-300, 2000.

  7. C. H. Sohn, J. S. Kim, S. H. Chung, K. Maruta, "Nonlinear Evolution of Diffusion Flame Oscillations Triggered by Radiative Heat Loss", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 123, 95-106, 2000.

  8. H. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, S. H. Chung, J. S. Kim, "Nonlinear Acoustic-Pressure Responses of Oxygen Droplet Flames Burning in Gaseous Hydrogen", KSME International Journal, Vol. 15(4), 510-521, 2001.

  9. C. H. Sohn, "Unsteady Analysis of Acoustic Pressure Response in N2 Diluted H2 and Air Diffusion Flames," Combustion and Flame, Vol.128, 111-120, 2002.

  10. C. H. Sohn, I. M. Jeong, S. H. Chung, "Numerical Study of the Effects of Pressure and Air-Dilution on NO Formation in Laminar Counterflow Diffusion Flames of Methane in High Temperature Air", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 130, 83-93, 2002.

  11. C. H. Sohn, S. K. Kim, Y. M. Kim, 2004, "Effects of Various Baffle Designs on Acoustic Characteristics in Combustion Chamber of Liquid Rocket Engine", KSME international journal, Vol. 18(1), 145-152, 2004.

  12. H. J. Kim, S. H. Shung, C. H. Sohn, "Numerical Calculation of Minimum Ignition Energy for Hydrogen and Methane Fuels", KSME international journal, Vol. 18(5), 838-846, 2004.

  13. C. H. Sohn, W. S. Seol, A. A. Shibanov and V. P.Pikalov, "On the Method for Hot-Fire Modeling of High-Frequency Combustion Instability in Liquid Rocket Engines", KSME international journal, Vol. 18(6), 1010-1018, 2004.

  14. C. H. Sohn, H. C. Cho, "Numerical Analysis of Acoustic Characteristics in Gas Turbine Combustor with Spatial Non-homogeneity", KSME international journal, Vol. 18(8), 1461-1469, 2004.

  15. C. H. Sohn, H. C. Cho, "A CFD Study on Thermo-Acoustic Instability of Methane/Air Flames in Gas Turbine Combustor", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 19(9), 1811-1821, 2005.

  16. C. H. Sohn, W. S. Seol, A. A. Shibanov and V. P.Pikalov, "Hot Fire Injector Test for Determination of Combustion Stability Boundaries Using Model Chamber", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 19(9), 1821-1832, 2005.

  17. C. H. Sohn, W. S. Seol, A. A. Shibanov, "Combustion Stability Characteristics of the Model Chamber with Various Configurations of Triplet Impinging-Jet Injectors", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 20(6), 874-881, 2006.

  18. H. S. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "Experimental Study of the Role of Gas-Liquid Scheme Injector as an Acoustic Resonator in a Combustion Chamber", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 20(6), 896-904, 2006.

  19. H. S. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "Experimental Study of Acoustic Damping Induced by Gas-Liquid Scheme Injectors in a Combustion Chamber", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 21(1), 153-161, 2007.

  20. C. H. Sohn, W. S. Seol, A. A. Shibanov, V. P. Pikalov "Combustion Stability Boundaries of the Subscale Rocket Chamber with Impinging Jet Injectors", Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 23(1), 131-139, 2007.

  21. C. H. Sohn, I. S. Park, S. K. Kim, H. J. Kim, "Acoustic Tuning of Gas-Liquid Scheme Injectors for Acoustic Damping in a Combustion Chamber of a Liquid Rocket Engine", Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 304(5), 793-810, 2007.

  22. C. H. Sohn, I. S. Park, "Effects of inlet blockage of gas-liquid scheme injector on acoustic tuning for acoustic damping in a combustion chamber", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Vol. 22(2), 330-337, 2008.

  23. J. H. Park, C. H. Sohn, "On optimal design of half-wave resonators for acoustic damping in an enclosure", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 319, 807-821, 2009.

  24. I. S. Park, C. H. Sohn, S. C. Lee, H. S., J. K. Oh, "Flow-induced noise in a suction nozzle with a centrifugal fan of a vacuum cleaner and its reduction", Applied Acoustics Vol. 71(5), 460-469, 2010.

  25. I. S. Park, C. H. Sohn, "Nonlinear Acoustic Damping Induced by a Half-Wave Resonator in an Acoustic Chamber", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 14(6), 442-450, 2010.

  26. C. J. Kim, H. H. Choi, C. H. Sohn, "Auto-ignition of lubricating oil working at high pressures in a compressor for an air conditioner", Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 185(1), 416-422, 2011.

  27. I. S. Park, C. H. Sohn, H. J. kim, "Acoustic Damping Enhanced by Gaps in Baffled Injectors in an Acoustic Chamber", Jounal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330(12), 2747-2757, 2011.

  28. C. H. Sohn, J. H. Park, "A Comparative Study on Acoustic Damping Induced by Half-Wave, Quarter-Wave and Helmholtz Resonators", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 15(8), 606-614, 2011.

  29. C. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "An Experimental Study on Stability Rating of Impinging-Jet Injectors Using Air Injection in a Subscale Chamber", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 26(6), 1963-1970, 2012.

  30. C. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "A Novel Method to Suppress Spontaneous Ignition of Coal Stockpiles in a Coal Storage Yard", Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 100, 73-83, 2012.

  31. C. H. Sohn, Y. J. Kim, Y. M. Kim, V. P. Pikalov, "A Scaling Method for Combustion Stability Rating of Coaxial Gas-Liquid Injectors in a Subscale Chamber", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 26(11), 3691-3699, 2012.

  32. G. Jourdain, L. E. Eriksson, S. H. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "Application of Dynamic Mode Decomposition to Acoustic-Modes Identification and Damping in a 3-Dimensional Chamber with Baffled Injectors", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 332(18), 4308-4323, 2013.09.

  33. C. H. Cho, G. M. Baek, C. H. Sohn, J. H. Cho, H. S. Kim, " A Numerical Approach to Reduction of NOx Emission from Swirl Premix Burner in a Gas Turbine Combustor", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 59(1-2), 454-463, 2013.09.

  34. J. W. Son, S. H. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "On Burnout Performance of a Rocket-Engine-Based Incinerator Devised for High Burning Rate of Solid Particles", Fuel, Vol. 117, 478-487, 2014.01.

  35. S. H. Kim, C. H. Sohn, J. Y. Hwang, "Effects of Tube Diameter and Submergence Ratio on Bubble Pattern and Performance of Air-Lift Pump", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 58, 195-204, 2014.01.

  36. C. H. Sohn, "Pressure Dependence of Mass Burning Rates in Diluent Premixed Flames of H2/O2 at High Pressures", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 28(3), 1125-1133, 2014.03.

  37. Y. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, M. G. Hong, S. Y. Lee, "An Analysis of Fuel-Oxidizer Mixing and Combustion Induced by Swirl Coaxial Jet Injector with a Model of Gas-Gas Injection", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 37, 37-47, 2014.08.

  38. S. H. Kim, Y. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "Acoustic Damping of Gas-Liquid Scheme Injectors with a Recess in a Subscale Combustor", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 28(9), 3813-3823, 2014.09.

  39. H. Yu, W. Han, J. Santner, X. Gou, C. H. Sohn, Y. Ju, Z. Chen, "Radiation-induced uncertainty in laminar flame speed measured from propagating spherical flames", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 161(11), 2815-2824, 2014.11.

  40. S. H. Won, B. Jiang, P. Diévart, C. H. Sohn, Y. Ju, "Self-Sustaining n-Heptane Cool Diffusion Flames Activated by Ozone", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 35, 881-888, 2015.01.

  41. G. Kim, Y. D. Lee, C. H. Sohn, K. W. Choi, H. S. Kim, "Experimental Investigation on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Premixed Flame in a Gas-turbine Combustor with a Vortex Generator", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 77, 57-64, 2015.02.

  42. J. W. Son, C. H. Sohn, "Evaluation of Burnout Performance of Biomass Wastes in a Rocket-Engine-Based Incinerator", Fuel, Vol. 143, 308-317, 2015.

  43. C. H. Sohn, J. W. Son, S. H. Won, Y. Ju, "Computational Studies of Diffustion Cool Flame Structures of n-Heptane with/without Ozone Sensitization with a Reduced Chemistry", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 29, 1297-1305, 2015.03.

  44. S. K. Kim, H. S. Choi, H. J. Kim, Y. S. Ko, C. H. Sohn, "Finite element analysis for acoustic characteristics of combustion stabilization devices", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 42, 229-240, 2015.04.

  45. C. H. Sohn, Z. Chen, Y. Ju, "Effects of Radiation on the Uncertainty of Flame Speed Determination using Spherically Propagating Flames with CO/CO2/H2O Dilutions at Elevated Pressures", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 86, 820-825. 2015.07.

  46. J. H. Park, C. H. Sohn, "Characteristics of Flow and Thrust Variations in a Jet Engine with a Variable Area Nozzle", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 29(11), 5001-5010, 2015.11.

  47. C. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "Effects of Wind Barrier Design and Closed Coal Storage on Spontaneous Ignition of Coal Stockpiles", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 40, 529-536, 2016.03.

  48. J. W. Son, I. H. Lee, C. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, "On Evaluation of High Burnout Performance in a Rocket-Engine-Based Incinerator for Solid-Particles Burning", Fuel, Vol. 185(1), 59-66, 2016.12.

  49. C. H. Sohn, H. S. Han, C. B. Reuter, Y. Ju, S. H. Won, "Thermo-Kinetic Dynamics of Near-Limit Cool Diffusion Flames", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 36, 1329-1337, 2017.02.

  50. G. J. Park, J. H. Lee, S. I. Oh, Y. B. Yoon, C. H. Sohn, "Characteristics of Gas-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injector with Acoustic Excitation of Gas Flow", AIAA Journal, Vol. 55(3), 894-901, 2017.03.

  51. G. J. Park, J. H. Lee, I. G. Lee, Y. B. Yoon, C. H. Sohn, "Geometric Effect on Spray Characteristics of Gas-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injectors: Recess Ratio and Gap Thickness", Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 27(7), 579-589, 2017.07

  52. J. W. Son, C. H. Sohn, G. J. Park, Y. B. Yoon, "Spray Patterns and Injection Characteristics of Gas-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injectors", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 30(5), 2017.09

  53. Y. J. Kim, G. Jourdain, C. H. Sohn, Y. B. Yoon, "Acoustic damping optimization of the injector based on dynamic mode decomposition in a subscale combustor", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 31(9), 4511-4520, 2017.09.

  54. J. H. Bae, J. S. Yoon, S. P. Joo, J. J. Kim, C. Y. Jeong, C. H. Sohn, I. N. Borovik, Y. B. Yoon, "Predicting the Frequency of Combustion Instability Using the Measured Reflection through Acoustic Excitation", International journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 18(4), 797-806, 2017.12.

  55. C. H. Sohn, S. H. Kim, J. Y. Hwang, "Effects of insertion of blunt body on bubble pattern and pumping performance in air-lift pump", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 32(2), 969-976, 2018.02.

  56. H. S. Han, C. J. Kim, C. H. Cho, C. H. Sohn, J. S. Han, "Ignition delay time and sooting propensity of a kerosene aviation jet fuel and its derivative blended with a bio-jet fuel", Fuel, Vol. 232, 724-728, 2018.11.

  57. M. S. Cha, J. W. Son, S. H. Yoon, H. T. Luong, D. A. Lacoste, C. H. Sohn, “Vortex formation mechanism within fuel streams in laminar non-premixed jet flames”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 199, 46-53, 2019.01.

  58. P. K. Pavalavanni, C. H. Sohn, B. J. Lee, J. Y. Choi, “Revisiting Unsteady Shock-Induced Combustion with Modern Analysis Techniques”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 37, 3637-3644, 2019.02.

  59. Y. H. Min, C. H. Sohn, Y. B. Yoon, “Thermo-acoustic stability boundaries in the model combustion chamber with a gas-centered swirl coaxial injector”, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 2019, 1-9, 2019.11.

  60. C. H. Cho, K. R. Han, C. H. Sohn, F. M. Haas, “Sooting propensity estimation of jet aviation fuel surrogates and their n-alkane components by virtual smoke point method”, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 34, 15072-15076, 2020.10.

  61. W. S. Hwang, B. K. Sung, W. J. Han, K. Y. Huh, B. J. Lee, H. S. Han, C. H. Sohn, J. Y. Choi, “Real-Gas-Flamelet-Model-Based Numerical Simulation and Combustion Instability Analysis of a GH2/LOX Rocket Combustor with Multiple Injectors”, Energies, Vol. 14(2), 1-25, 2021.01.

  62. H. T. Loung, Y. G. Wang, H. G. Sung, C. H. Sohn, “A comparative study of dynamic mode decomposition methods for mode identification in a cryogenic swirl injector”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 503, 116108, 2021.07.

  63. C. H. Cho, H. S. Han, C. H. Sohn, J. S. Han, “Ignition Delay Time and Oxidation of a Kerosene Aviation Fuel and a Blended Jet50-Bio50 Fuel”, ACS Omega, Vol. 6, 26646-26658, 2021.10.

  64. H. S. Han, C. H. Sohn, J. S. Han, B. H. Jeong, “Measurement of combustion properties and ignition delay time of high performance alternative aviation fuels”, Fuel, Vol. 303, 121243, 2021.11.

  65. H. T. Loung, Y. G. Wang, H. S. Han, C. H. Sohn, “Combined applications of analytic methods for detection of combustion instability triggering”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 118, 106994, 2021.11.

  66. Y. G. Wang, C. H. Sohn, J. H. Bae, Y. B. Yoon, “Prediction of combustion instability by combining transfer functions in a model rocket combustor”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 119, 107202, 2021.12.

  67. M. W. Lee, S. W. Yoon, J. H. Kim, Y. G. Wang, K. M. Lee, F. C. Park, C. H. Sohn, “Classification of impinging jet flames using convolutional neural network with transfer learning”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 36(3), 1547-1556, 2022.02.

  68. Y. G. Wang, C. H. Cho, J. J. Du, C. H. Sohn, “Effects of recess length on combustion instability in a model chamber with a gas-centered swirl coaxial injector”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.130, 107911, 2022.11.

  69. H. S. Han, K. R. Han, Y. G. Wang, C. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn, C. W. Nam, “Effects of natural-gas blending on ignition delay and pollutant emission of diesel fuel for the condition of homogenous charge compression ignition engine”, Fuel, Vol. 328, 125280, 2022.11.

  70. Y. G. Wang, C. H. Sohn, “Effects of swirl pemixed flame interaction on NOx emission in a gas turbine combustor with multi-burners”, Journal of the Energy Institute, Vol. 109, 101274, 2023.08.

  71. Y. G. Wang, H. S. Han, C. H. Sohn, “A Comparative Study of Chemical-Kinetic Mechanisms for Combustion of Methane/Hydrogen/Air Mixtures”, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 25, 519–539, 2023.10.

  72. Y. G. Wang, C. H. Sohn, J. Y. Kim, “Effects of hydrogen blending on combustion and pollutant emission of propane/air in a model furnace with a rotary kiln burner”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 47, 102330, 2024.01.

  73. Y. G. Wang, C. H. Cho, C. H. Sohn, “Effects of injector spacing and momentum flux ratio on combustion instability in a model chamber with gas-centered swirl coaxial injectors”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 154, 109503, 2024.11.

  74. J. Jung, D. Kim, Y. Wang, S. Park, C. H. Sohn, M. Kim, J. Hwang, D. Kang, W. Lee, H. Kim, "Suppression of Combustion Oscillations in Hydrogen-Enriched Can-Type Combustors Through Fuel Staging", Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 147, 011010, 2025.01.